: [hj:] 
: I think you're confusing k's perspective with that of the
: Holy Trinity here.  K is full of scorn and ridicule of
: prominently placed individuals who chicken out on their
: responsibility to speak out clearly against public misconduct.
: Bob-mark-greg have a fear of such commentary, much like
: the irresponsible professors who're afraid to bite the
: hand that feeds them.  But k is equally critical of the
: manufacturers of causes, and he's somewhat dubious about
: professional social workers.   Whether Ms Roy is
: overshooting the mark and moving from 'speaking out' to
: 'espousing feft-wing causes', as various people here have
: suggested, is questionable.   I dislike it when I feel that
: someone is 'playing politics' with what should be a matter of
: conscience, but my greatest respect is reserved for those
: who speak against the deluded populism of their own tribe.
: Mencken, Nietzsche, Heine, Chomsky. Einstein etc. etc.....
: The greastest are the ones who can do that while avoiding
: ideology.  I'm not sure about Ms Roy.
rob: Roy, in her television interview with Bill Moyers, 
struck me as acting from conscience and i found 
that both resonant and somewhat contagious 
(not particularly for Roy's concerns necessarily 
but for being concerned).  turning the expression 
of human concerns into a battle to be played out upon 
an ideological playing field seems to be the antithesis 
of a calling from conscience. too often that is what 
those opposed to a new direction try... and do.    


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