
Your black version looks sexy.  Oh, in reply to when
will I have my batts installed on my Lectra?  When I
stop traveling which wont be for a bit.  I gotta go
wheere the money is right now.


--- Johnathan Vail wrote:

It is an interesting idea.

On the Lectra they have a switch on the rear brake
pedal that activatesregen but you need to push a
little further on the switch before thebrake drum
engages.  They hype this a little as not only regen
but alsoa partial antilock brake system.

I haven't got the Lectra on the road yet but I did get
the batteriesinstalled this past weekend:

It was bad weather this past weekend so I only drove
it the length ofthe garage...


Andrew Wowk wrote:Good idea for a way to control the
regen. I was trying tothink of a way to do this. This
is so simple and elegant. Please let usknow how it
  On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 10:45 PM, Lennon
  Ifinished my electric motorcycle and posted the info

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