So, another update to my blog this week. A friend (Loni) Has been helping me with the motor mount. We got it mounted earlier this week, and Saturday I installed the motor, front sprocket and the chain, and decided to test it out. This is with one 18Ah 12V battery. 80A when first spinning up, then drops to around 20A continuous. Just the video: The chain was cheap machine chain, and while its not TOO loud, It will be replaced by o-ring chain to quiet things down. I used a 13tooth front sprocket and 44 rear, but have 11 and 12 tooth fronts to test and play around with. Right now, its 3.4:1, and adjustable to 4:1 with the 11 tooth. Next step is the battery boxes and getting the controller and charger finalized. Synkromotive is finalizing the controller, and the charger is in the process of getting boards made. Once that is all together, we should be running under full non-tethered power. -- Travis Gintz 1986 Honda VFR DC conversion Http://