They do have one, I had seen it about 6 or 9 months back, but lost the
URL. Did a quick search and found it, but looks like it is down for

Thansk for the ebay link though!


> I don't believe they have one.  I contacted the guy selling the
> controllers on different EV lists and Ebay and he gave me a the phone
> number to call them.  I don't know if it is a number they want given out
> on a public list or not.  Since it is a business I would think they
> wouldn't mind, but I will ask when I call back and order my controller.
> Until then I'm happy to share it with anyone privately.
> Here is a link to one of their golf cart controllers being sold on ebay,
> or just do an ebay search on logisystems.
> They build controllers up to 156 volts and 1000 amps.  I am likely going
> to buy the 72 - 120 volt 1000 amp model (they also have a 550 and 750 amp
> controller in this voltage range)  for my truck and let it do double duty
> by powering my drag bike down the track :-)
> damon
>> To:> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date:
>> Thu, 15 May 2008 10:06:00 -0400> Subject: Re: [ElectricMotorcycles] New
>> News and about axe 7245R1alltraxcontroller> > What is the website for
>> the Logisystems controllers?> > -shawn> > -----Original Message-----> >
>> From: damon henry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> Subj: Re:
>> [ElectricMotorcycles] New News and about axe 7245R1alltraxcontroller>
>> Date: Thu May 15, 2008 9:48 am> Size: 2K> To: ElectricMotorcycles
>> <>> > You may be correct although from
>> the message I can't tell if they got that far or not. I've never tried
>> to upgrade the firmware on one of these controllers and I'm not sure
>> what would cause them to want to do that. I usually just take them out
>> of the box and install them as is, although I may tweak a few
>> parameters.> > Speaking of these, I just blew another one up. That makes
>> a total of 3 that I have toasted and I've never got any feedback from
>> Alltrax as to why. This was the one I had in my truck and it's only been
>> on the road for a few months and about 1000 miles. I have not had an
>> issue with Alltrax on warranty replacements, but I would rather that
>> they keep the magic smoke in. I also hate to just toss a new one back in
>> without changing anything when I don't know why it let go in the first
>> place.> > I just got permission from the wife to buy a new 1000 amp
>> Logisystems controller for the truck. The 7245 was adequate for the
>> little Datsun and gave me some good test information, but when I first
>> bought it my thought was to eventually go with something bigger in the
>> truck and upgrade the 4845 on my motorcycle, so it looks like that is
>> what I will be doing. The truck should go from feeling like a stock 1970
>> Datsun 4 banger to being a real beast.. It's going to be a lot of fun to
>> drive :-)> > The weather has turned nice here, so I have been out on the
>> motorcycle. It's been fun riding it again after giving it the winter
>> off.> > damon> > > > > Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 09:34:55 -0400> From:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> Subject:
>> [ElectricMotorcycles] New News and about axe 7245R1 alltrax controller>
>> > > > > My guess is since the problem started with the firmware upgrade
>> that the> download was munged and the controller is bricked.> > > In
>> other news, I registered my Lectra today. I had to explain why it had>
>> no CC's and no cylinders and was not a moped. They called the state and>
>> the state just said just go with it. Not painful at all although to get>
>> vanity plates (I hope to get AMPS) I have to go to the state office.> >
>> jv> > > > On Thu, May 15, 2008 8:54 am, Mike wrote:> > Hey Guys,> >> > I
>> just got this email from Aam. He's having problems and I'm not sure> >
>> what's going on. I thought I'd toss it out to the smarties on the list.>
>> > He's not on the list so please either cc the list or reply to him, n>
>> --- message truncated ---> > >
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