I'm using a Logisystems controller now on my bike. I'm very pleased with the
smooth response. Its rated for 72v, and 1140 amps, but I'm only running up
to about 600-700 amps max and much less continuous since it's on a bike. The
ramp is about 1.5 to 2 seconds to full on which is perfect for me. It's in a
small case size (same as the smaller curtis golf cart controllers) so they
advised me not to run too many amps through it for too long, and make sure
the temperature stays within limits. Not a problem in my application though
as the controller just gets warm to the touch after riding hard. It's
thermally coupled to the mounting plate which is 1/8 inch aluminum.

I'm not sure how the throttle response is different from the Curtis I was
using. If I was traveling at a certain speed like 40 mph for example, and
just touched the throttle with the Curtis, the current would go way up and I
would lurch forward. But with the Logisystems, I can very easily add just a
few amps, or lower the amps just a small amount if need be at any speed. I'm
using the same pot and pot box as before just backwards to get 5k-0 so
that's not the reason. It may be that the amount of current is ramped up on
the 1.5-2s delay and not the motor voltage, which would definitely make
sense for controlling the very high amps these controllers can deliver
especially with a PM motor which will deliver a high amount of torque, and
draw a lot of current if the voltage is adjusted just slightly higher.

If you order from them, you might talk to their engineer directly to get an
idea of the stock parameters that they build into the controllers to make
sure they meet your needs. These are awesome controllers for an amazing
price, but they just can't be reprogrammed or adjusted in any way unless
they've updated them or something since about a year ago.

On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 8:27 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> They do have one, I had seen it about 6 or 9 months back, but lost the
> URL. Did a quick search and found it, but looks like it is down for
> remodeling:
> http://www.logisystemscontrollers.com/
> Thansk for the ebay link though!
> -shawn
> > I don't believe they have one.  I contacted the guy selling the
> > controllers on different EV lists and Ebay and he gave me a the phone
> > number to call them.  I don't know if it is a number they want given out
> > on a public list or not.  Since it is a business I would think they
> > wouldn't mind, but I will ask when I call back and order my controller.
> > Until then I'm happy to share it with anyone privately.
> >
> > Here is a link to one of their golf cart controllers being sold on ebay,
> > or just do an ebay search on logisystems.
> >
> http://cgi.ebay.com/New-700-AMP-0-5k-ohm-LogiSystems-Golf-Cart-Controller_W0QQitemZ320250634298QQihZ011QQcategoryZ40155QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
> >
> > They build controllers up to 156 volts and 1000 amps.  I am likely going
> > to buy the 72 - 120 volt 1000 amp model (they also have a 550 and 750 amp
> > controller in this voltage range)  for my truck and let it do double duty
> > by powering my drag bike down the track :-)
> >
> >
> > damon
> >
> >
> >
> >> To: listserv@electricmotorcycles.net> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date:
> >> Thu, 15 May 2008 10:06:00 -0400> Subject: Re: [ElectricMotorcycles] New
> >> News and about axe 7245R1alltraxcontroller> > What is the website for
> >> the Logisystems controllers?> > -shawn> > -----Original Message-----> >
> >> From: damon henry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> Subj: Re:
> >> [ElectricMotorcycles] New News and about axe 7245R1alltraxcontroller>
> >> Date: Thu May 15, 2008 9:48 am> Size: 2K> To: ElectricMotorcycles
> >> <listserv@electricmotorcycles.net>> > You may be correct although from
> >> the message I can't tell if they got that far or not. I've never tried
> >> to upgrade the firmware on one of these controllers and I'm not sure
> >> what would cause them to want to do that. I usually just take them out
> >> of the box and install them as is, although I may tweak a few
> >> parameters.> > Speaking of these, I just blew another one up. That makes
> >> a total of 3 that I have toasted and I've never got any feedback from
> >> Alltrax as to why. This was the one I had in my truck and it's only been
> >> on the road for a few months and about 1000 miles. I have not had an
> >> issue with Alltrax on warranty replacements, but I would rather that
> >> they keep the magic smoke in. I also hate to just toss a new one back in
> >> without changing anything when I don't know why it let go in the first
> >> place.> > I just got permission from the wife to buy a new 1000 amp
> >> Logisystems controller for the truck. The 7245 was adequate for the
> >> little Datsun and gave me some good test information, but when I first
> >> bought it my thought was to eventually go with something bigger in the
> >> truck and upgrade the 4845 on my motorcycle, so it looks like that is
> >> what I will be doing. The truck should go from feeling like a stock 1970
> >> Datsun 4 banger to being a real beast.. It's going to be a lot of fun to
> >> drive :-)> > The weather has turned nice here, so I have been out on the
> >> motorcycle. It's been fun riding it again after giving it the winter
> >> off.> > damon> > > > > Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 09:34:55 -0400> From:
> >> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: listserv@electricmotorcycles.net> Subject:
> >> [ElectricMotorcycles] New News and about axe 7245R1 alltrax controller>
> >> > > > > My guess is since the problem started with the firmware upgrade
> >> that the> download was munged and the controller is bricked.> > > In
> >> other news, I registered my Lectra today. I had to explain why it had>
> >> no CC's and no cylinders and was not a moped. They called the state and>
> >> the state just said just go with it. Not painful at all although to get>
> >> vanity plates (I hope to get AMPS) I have to go to the state office.> >
> >> jv> > > > On Thu, May 15, 2008 8:54 am, Mike wrote:> > Hey Guys,> >> > I
> >> just got this email from Aam. He's having problems and I'm not sure> >
> >> what's going on. I thought I'd toss it out to the smarties on the list.>
> >> > He's not on the list so please either cc the list or reply to him, n>
> >> --- message truncated ---> > >
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