Hi Trevor,

Couldn't you add the WCF settings to the web.config of the site that is
making the call?

Haven't tried this myself but that's where I would start.


You should be able to use the Visual studio WCF config editor to edit
the file for you.


See how you go.






Of Trevor Andrew
Sent: Thursday, 19 June 2008 11:20 AM
To: listserver@ozMOSS.com
Subject: [OzMOSS] RE: Invoking WCF Web Service call from SharePoint


Hi All,


We are writing a SharePoint State Machine Workflow, and are trying to
use the .NET 3.5 Send Activity to invoke a WCF workflow. The hurdle we
are hitting is that when deployed to SharePoint, the Workflow Send
Activity still appears to need an app.config file with all of the WCF
client configuration / endpoints etc ...


Where would such a config file need to be deployed to? What would it be
named? How would we ensure our workflow, when running in the context of
SharePoint can unambiguously find this config file? Or do we need to
augment some current SharePoint config file?


The workflow assembly is deployed to the GAC, and the various
feature.xml / workflow.xml configuration files are currently being
deployed straight out of VS 2008, with a view to feature based
deployment into UAT / production ...


Any suggestions or hard-won experience from the trenches would be much



Trevor Andrew


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