Hi all,
I am the CIO of Michael Hill Jeweller which is an international (US,
Canada, New Zealand, Australia) jewellery retail chain whose global head
office is based in Brisbane and we are in the process of replacing our
global website. The executive here are very excited by the opportunities
presented by silverlight and we will be developing the new site using
this technology and are trying to release it as soon as possible.
I did have a couple of questions which I have posed to Microsoft, but
they have been unable to answer and most of them are directed towards my
personally perceived weaknesses of silverlight and I was hoping that
someone would be able to point out how they can be achieved. Hopefully
our work arounds are not the suggested best practice.

1) What is the best way of persisting user identity through multiple
silverlight pages? 

2) It appears to me that linq to SQL entities seem to lose the ability
to maintain state (ie know what is changed) after passing through a wcf
call and silverlight treats it like a normal class. Is that the case and
if so, is that going to be changed?

3) What is the best practice for integrating security and sessions
between asp.net / silverlight / wcf?

4) Are there plans for a binary formatter in the silverlight framework?

5) I have been overlaying silverlight pages over aspx with master and
content pages. The largest issue with that is being able to pass
information between your master and content pages (easily achievable in
aspx), but are there any plans to implement a method to easily pass
information between SL pages on the client (usually user specific
information), other than at creation of the page.

Thanks for any help in advance,


18/9/2008   Ross McKinnon   listserver@ozSilverlight.com
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