>> You're saying developers can't transfer their skills from one language to 
>> another

I'm not saying they can't... I'm suggesting they don't want to transfer from C# 
to anything else, .NET is addictive. Like many developers I only work where I 
want to. Now I can work in my favourite language on client side too!

>> but C# doesn't have a monopoly on application developers

I'm not saying it does, but as far as development languages go in the RIA space 
(well SL v's Flash/Flex/ActionScript anyway) goes - C# has it... Add to that C# 
skills can be used to make the server side software as well - far more value 
for money here.

If I was evaluating which language to learn - how could I choose the language 
that binds me to client side development?? I choose the language that I can 
apply to pretty much anything.

C# is also far better supported - Google = 17million hits for ActionScript vs 
70million for C#.

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Barry Beattie
Sent: Friday, 17 October 2008 2:46 PM
To: listserver@ozsilverlight.com
Subject: Re: [OzSilverlight] Success or Failure of SL.?

> showing them how easy it is to go from PS / IL to Expression
> Design/Blend is the goal.


> I'd put money on there being more  C# developers out there
> than Action Script developers

ahhh... but that's the mistake. You're saying developers can't
transfer their skills from one language to another. In Microsoft
development there's a lot of C# developers... but then again, there's
a lot of Java developers out there ...

> - and that on average the C# developer has
> more experience (i.e. they are *better* :)).

sure. Designers are designers, not application developers. but C#
doesn't have a monopoly on application developers. Not only that, but
Flex and SL development need not be any different to traditional
software development where the tasks are split between people with
different skills. You don't need one person to do it all. you need
workflow to move the project from one pair of hands to another.

I've come across a lot of crap UX made by C# developers... and when
was the last time you came across a really good UI from a Java

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