Success or Failure of SL.?
Success, I think.. :)
No need to worry about that... ;)

On Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 9:25 AM, Scott Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Actually not everyone Bazza, just you :) We can debate who's the used car
> salesman here vs. whom isn't until the end of dawn, but I challenge you to
> prove me wrong on the "used car salesman spiel" given you seem to have all
> the answers lately?
> As for "behind the scenes" it is what it is?
> As for how the Silverlight deployment will work - for a guy whom seems to
> have it all figured out you've not been paying attention. Silverlight will
> push out through the Windows Update, It will auto-update existing
> Silverlight installations via the auto-updater, OEM deals, Content driven
> solutions (ie NBC Olympics style setups) etc.
> You want me to give you a run sheet of our entire game plan so you can run
> it off to your buddies at Adobe, think again bazza :) think again! :)
> Sorry, nice try but no cigar.
> Scott.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Barry Beattie
> Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 1:22 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [OzSilverlight] Success or Failure of SL.?
> > sorry you're being argumentative bazza :)
> Scott, you think everyone is argumentitive if they don't blindly
> swallow your used-car-salesman speil and choosing to look at the fine
> print. Meh.
> but Scott, while I have your attention, what's the behind the scenes
> story with this?
> "Also... how long until SL2 comes down in Windows Update??"
> that's a good question
> related to that: how will the runtime get onto people's machines (inc
> non Microsoft ones) without Windows Upadate?**
> ** the answer, Scott, I'm sure we both agree, is "compelling apps".
> Just like Flash did.
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