"while other ships were able to leave." The 3 cruise liners chartered by the
Chinese government also had to remain in port owing to the storm. All 4
ships had a rough ride once they did leave port. You are either poorly
informed or biased.

The Chinese have 30,000 workers in Libya and it will take some time to get
them out. All Americans are out. The situation is deteriorating and it is
only prudent for the Chinese to provide air cover with a missile frigate
until all the trips that they have chartered safely get out of Libya.

The US Navy diverted a carrier battle group to surround the motorsailer
Quest East of Oman. The carrier battle group*s* are providing air cover to
ground forces in Afghanistan and Iraq. They are not dedicated to anti-piracy
patrol. We are at war you know. Even in peacetime, the location of Navy
ships is classified so no responsible government spokesman should answer as
to the location of Sixth Fleet assets.

Ron Rogers

On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 12:39 PM, Walter Knopf

> Thank you, Ahmet.
> I was NOT trying to make a political statement, we have the best navy in
> the world, but I realize
> they can't be everywhere. The ferry evacuating Americans was stuck in
> Tripoli for several days
> because of stormy seas, apparently not a very seaworthy vessel, while other
> ships were able to leave.
> If you served in any navy you automatically associate Mediterranean and 6
> th Fleet, so I tried to
> find it on the "know it all" Google and was surprised to come up empty.
> So I thought I ask here if any boater had seen them, about forty ships are
> hard to hide, only
> to be unpleasantly surprised.
> I think they might be patrolling off the Somali coast, which is good, but
> China just pulled one of their
> newest frigate off the same patrol to send to Libya, probably the first
> time a Chinese war ship has entered
> this area.
> Walter
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