mgorny added a comment.

In D100191#2685039 <>, @labath wrote:

> I like this a lot more than the previous version. The thing I'd like to know 
> is, whether we can replace `m_additional_processes` with something like 
> `m_debugged_processes` (i.e., just have a single list of all processes we are 
> debugging. We could replace all occurrences of `m_debugged_process_up` with 
> `m_current_process`, which just points inside that list. Is there any reason 
> for the "privileged" position of the original process? The way I see it, most 
> of the operations would just work even if we treated them as equals. The only 
> thing which might not work is resuming (or TBE, reporting the stops) of the 
> subprocesses, but if we wanted to be safe, we could prevent that in some 
> other way (preventing the changing of process through Hc; returning 
> "crippled" process instances for subprocess, which return errors on resume 
> operations; ...).

I've tried to limit changes to the minimum but sure, I can try doing that. I 
suppose it's going to make following children cleaner.

Comment at: 
+    std::unique_ptr<NativeProcessProtocol> &child_process) {
+  // Apparently the process has been dealt with by another delegate.
+  if (!child_process)
labath wrote:
> You no longer have to worry about that...
Don't I? The process plugin puts the new instance in an `std::unique_ptr`, and 
passes that to all delegates. Only one delegate can take the pointer over. 
While I don't think we really have a case for multiple delegates doing 
`NewSubprocess()`, I suppose we should check rather than crash. Or maybe just 
put an `assert` for it.


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