DavidSpickett added inline comments.

Comment at: lldb/source/Core/DumpRegisterValue.cpp:136-137
+  // See if we have made this type before and can reuse it.
+  CompilerType fields_type = ast->GetTypeForIdentifier<clang::CXXRecordDecl>(
+      ConstString(register_type_name.c_str()));
aprantl wrote:
> DavidSpickett wrote:
> > aprantl wrote:
> > > bulbazord wrote:
> > > > This seems highly specific to C++... Let's try to find another way to 
> > > > do this, ideally with `TypeSystem` instead of `TypeSystemClang` and 
> > > > `clang::CXXRecordDecl`.
> > > Are we saving a lot of code by going through the clang typesystem here, 
> > > or would walking the bits and formatting the directly be roughly the same 
> > > amount of code?
> > Funny you should mention that.
> > 
> > I was initially doing that, but in the RFC it was suggested I use the 
> > existing printers for C types 
> > (https://discourse.llvm.org/t/rfc-showing-register-fields-in-lldb/64676/2). 
> > There's also a hint that this would make assigning to specific fields more 
> > easy (though that is a very far off goal).
> > 
> > This is what the first version looked like:
> > ```
> > (lldb) register read cpsr
> >     cpsr = 0x60001000
> > | N | Z | C | V | TCO | DIT | UAO | PAN | SS | IL | SSBS | BTYPE | D | A | 
> > I | F | nRW | EL | SP |
> > | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  | 0  | 0  |  1   |   0   | 0 | 0 | 
> > 0 | 0 |  0  | 0  | 0  |
> > ```
> > Of course it would be refined based on line length and field size etc etc. 
> > A lot of the things the type printers already do, which is why using them 
> > looked like it would save some effort.
> > 
> > Some of that extra formatting code will get written anyway because I want 
> > to eventually add a register command that will show you the register 
> > layout. So table formatting is needed either way. That would produce 
> > something like:
> > ```
> > (lldb) register info cpsr
> > | 31 | 30 | ...
> > | N  |  Z | ...
> > ```
> > 
> > So overall no there's nothing preventing me from walking the bits. Assuming 
> > you already have code to format text tables nicely, it would be about the 
> > same amount of code.
> > 
> > I need to check if we have any generic table formatting code, or could 
> > extract some from somewhere.
> Sorry I wasn't aware of the history :-)
Do you have an idea of how much work it would be to make TypeSystem do the same 
things TypeSystemClang does? Maybe more to the point, would I be trying to make 
TypeSystem do something it just isn't designed to do.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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