On 15/07/10 11:12, Evan Dandrea wrote:
> Hi there!
> This is where you come in. :)  If this project excites you as much as
> it does for me, wont you please tell your LoCo teams about it.  Feel
> free to use your own referral link (Stack Exchange has a spectacularly
> fun reward / badges system) that you can generate by signing up and
> then clicking on "Share This" on the proposal page.  Lets work
> together to make this something truly spectacular that brings even
> more Ubuntu users into the fold and gives them a means of getting
> really high quality responses to their questions and continuous
> encouragement to help others.
> Thanks for your time.
Aloha! Please LoCo Contacts and anyone else on this list PASS THIS ONTO 
YOUR TEAM and see if we can make this happen, there are hundreds of 
teams and a lot more members than that who can make this happen. All it 
takes is you encouraging your team members to take part!




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