Thanks a great lot!!!

As I'm working to port a project using log4cxx, I expect to be able to provide some feedback here. With time to come, I hope to be of more practical help.



On 14. May, 2005, at 05:01, Curt Arnold wrote:

I've changed the build.xml file to assume that iconv is present on the Mac and to fail with a hopefully informative message if -Dhas.wchar_t=0 is not set.

That got the log4cxx to build and run the trivial sample problem, but cppunit would fail to link as a shared library (missing typeinfo symbols). The trivial example would compile and run.

I've opened bug for any Mac OS/X specific wishes. The ones I can come up with were to use CFString as LogString (the internal string type), to add CFString overloads where there are currently std::wstring and std::string overloads (for example, and to have OutputDebugStringAppender output to NSLog. If you have any more, please add them to that bug. I'll will try to get back in a few days.

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