I made a fairly big set of changes to the Chainsaw POM in rev 552026 to harmonize the Chainsaw build with the companions. I added a (temporary) reference to the staging repo, so you don't need to build log4j 1.2.15 or the companions to build Chainsaw.

I used the assembly:assembly plug to create a distribution, however the descriptor (src/assembly/bin.xml) needs to be tweaked to drop out non-re-distributable jars. Hopefully, all the non-re-distributable jars are not essential to operation, at least not on JDK 1.5. Currently, you can do java -jar on apache-chainsaw.jar and the app launches. I added the main-class and path entries to the chainsaw jar, wouldn't do that on a library jar but hopefully is a good thing for an application jar.

I will probably need to get my head around the distribution mechanisms. I think we do need a classic distribution tarball that is farmed out to the distribution mirrors. Keeping the WebStart is good, but I think it might need to be placed within and use the Maven repo and have the downloads page point to a nearby Maven mirror.

Branding is another issue. Should Chainsaw be presented as a separate product or as a log4j companion or some other model. I've probably not been consistent in what I've set up, but here is how I see the options:

Chainsaw as a LS product:

Web content: http://logging.apache.org/chainsaw, appear as menu item on http://logging.apache.org
groupId = apache-chainsaw or log4j
artifactId = apache-chainsaw

Chainsaw as a log4j companion:

Web content: http://logging.apache.org/log4j/companions/chainsaw, appear as menu item on http://logging.apache.org/log4j and http:// logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2
groupId = log4j
artifactId = apache-log4j-chainsaw

I think that LS product is better since Chainsaw should be usable with the other LS frameworks and is much more complicated than the other companions. Also, the plugin components could be considered "companions" of chainsaw.

I don't have a problem having Chainsaw continue to use the log4j icon, but maybe we could create a derivative icon that suggest taking a slice of the log4j cup. Don't know if we have access to the original drawing for the icon.

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