I don't think we can redistribute activation.jar, jms-1.1.jar, jmxri-1.2.1.jar, jmxtools-1.2.1.jar and mail-1.4.jar which are currently included in the generated tarball and zip archive. They are in the assembly since they are referenced by log4j, but they can be suppressed.

None of those should be shipped anyway. Chainsaw either does not use them, or need to be placed in the plugins directory alongside the driver-specific jar (in the case of the jms one). We'd also want to specifically exclude the VFS, DB and JMS Receivers from the distribution for the same reason, hence the need for some customized Receiver distribution for Chainsaw only.

We might as well be consistent with a tarball distro, but I'm not sure that's what the users would want to use. For non-webstart operations I actually think letting the user use Maven to build the complete distribution including all dependencies is actually probably the most pain-free for a user.

That would require Maven and a JDK where the current tarball can be launched with just a JRE and tar.

yes true. I was originally thinking that there was more jars that need to be distributed than can normally be with an Apache distribution (LGPL etc). Given that the VFS and jmdns bits and bobs are now ASL compatible I think that has been removed. Now the Webstart and tarball distribution can contain the exactly the same elements.


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