Yeah, I agree that the user lists can remain separate as it doesn't cause
any issues currently. The main idea here is whether we should merge the dev
lists into one, or if we need a common dev list for all devs to subscribe
to (general@ doesn't sound appropriate, but I don't know what that list is

On 9 March 2017 at 10:26, Ralph Goers <> wrote:

> You should note that while we consider all votes only PMC votes are
> “binding”. I don’t think that changes much however.
> From a PMC perspective I have to say that keeping the user’s lists
> separate isn’t likely to be an issue as most of the things that would need
> to be discussed would be on a dev list anyway.
> Ralph
> On Mar 9, 2017, at 2:45 AM, Dominik Psenner <> wrote:
> The votes are way too scattered over the different mailing lists so that I
> didn't even find my own vote. ;-) Therefore I'm trying to summarize the
> current state of the vote:
> log4j-dev@, log4php-dev@, log4net-dev@, log4cxx-dev@ -> 
> Matt Sicker: +1
> Ralph Goers: +1
> Stefan Bodewig: +1
> Sven Rautenverg: -1
> Thorsten Schöning: -0
> Ivan Habunek: -0
> Dominik Psenner: +1
> Remko Popma: +1
> Mikael Ståldal: +0
> Totals so far:
> +1: 5
> +0: 1
> -0: 2
> -1: 1
> log4j-user@, log4php-user@, log4net-user@, log4cxx-user@, general@ -> 
> Matt Sicker: -1
> Ralph Goers: +1
> Stefan Bodewig: -1
> Sven Rautenverg: -1
> Thorsten Schöning: -0
> Ivan Habunek: -0
> Dominik Psenner: +1
> Remko Popma: +1
> Mikael Ståldal: -1
> Totals so far:
> +1: 3
> +0: 0
> -0: 2
> -1: 4
> Sorry to anyone who's vote is missing.
> On 2017-03-08 05:20, Matt Sicker wrote:
> I may be missing some mailing lists considering I just subscribed to half
> of them less than five minutes ago.
> This is a vote to merge the various Apache Logging Services mailing lists.
> The proposal is to combine them as follows:
> log4j-dev@, log4php-dev@, log4net-dev@, log4cxx-dev@ ->
> log4j-user@, log4php-user@, log4net-user@, log4cxx-user@, general@ ->
> commits@ and private@ remain the same as before.
> The proposal would also suggest that the old emails become aliases for the
> combined email names so as not to lose any future emails. To distinguish
> between projects, a subject tag can be added such as:
> [java]
> [net]
> [cxx]
> [php]
> Though I wouldn't think such a tag is required, though it should help in
> gaining the attention of the appropriate audience.
> Voting:
> +1: Yes, combine the mailing lists!
> +0: Go ahead, don't care that much.
> -0: Don't like it, but not vetoing it.
> -1: No, don't do that! I have a better idea!
> This vote follows the same "lazy consensus" (at least 3 +1 binding, no
> -1/vetoes) we use for general releases and whatnot. The vote will be open
> for at least 72 hours.
> --
> Matt Sicker <>

Matt Sicker <>

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