
What kind of testing are you doing? What do you mean by logging gets faster? With 
respect to what? Cheers, Ceki

At 10:59 12.02.2001 +0100, you wrote:

>I did a little research if using the AsyncAppender would make
>sense. So, I made a little program with delays in it etc, as is
>suggested in the Logging javadoc of log4j. I do find no improvements
>tough in the performance, when using AsyncAppender. The thing is,
>that even without AsyncAppender logging gets faster. 
>So, before that I'm going to do everything all over again, to check
>the results, I have a question.
>I'm using linux. Could that have anything to do with it? I think I've
>heard that linux buffers in- and output by itself? If that it true,
>the whole AsyncAppender in linux (and other Unixes?) would be rather
>senseless, isn't it?
> Michiel
>Michiel Meeuwissen - NOS internet 
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