Ceki Gülcü <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Michiel,

> What kind of testing are you doing? What do you mean by logging gets
> faster? With respect to what? Cheers, Ceki

A loop with in it one logging statement, and sometimes a delay. It get
faster per logging then without a delay. That's the idea of
AsyncAppender, isn't it? But the thing is, it also gets faster per
logging if I don't use AsyncAppender. With about the same rate. At
least, that's my provisional result. 

My explanation would be linux file buffering, which makes writing to
files faster in these case anyway.

My question was if that would be a sensible explanation, and my
remark, that if I'm right (I'm not sure), that then it does not make
sense using AsyncAppender, because the OS is doing the same job.


Michiel Meeuwissen - NOS internet 
Mediacentrum kamer 203 - tel. +31 (0)35 6773065

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