At 22:01 22.02.2001 +0100, Anders Kristensen wrote:
>Funny you should ask, because the getters you ask for have actually been
>applied to the log4j version in the CVS repository and will be included
>in the next release.  However, we've been discussing the option of
>changing the current option OptionHandler configuration strategy from
>something based on
>  void setOption(String key, String value) { ... }
>  String getOption(String key) { ... }
>  String[] getOptionsStrings()
>to something based on regular Java setters and getters, e.g.
>  void setFilename(String name)
>  String getFilename() { ... }
>and then use a Beans-like strategy or reflection or something to figure
>out which parameters a log4j component knows about. That seems to be a
>better approach but requires a bit more work.


I think that the getX/setX or bean paradigm is more widely accepted. We should 
probably go with that. The getOption methods are cool except that if they go into an 
official release it will damn hard to take them back. So if we decide to switch I 
think we should switch as soon as possible. I actually intend to release 1.1beta 
before this weekend though that is not a promise... What do you think? Ceki 

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