Hi Rich,

At 14:47 22.02.2001 -0800, Richard Trevor wrote:

>I had inquired about a get(...) feature several weeks ago. I'm happy to see 
>that it is in the works! 

It has actually been already implemented by Anders! It's there today.

>I have no problem with the bean-like getX, setX interface, but it seems to me 
>that in a non-bean world, the setOption, getOption, getOptionStrings interface 
>would be much more useful. 

Why do you think so?

The bean paradigm provides information on the type of the option values. The 
getOption/setOption approach does not give you info on the value type. Moreover, the 
java beans have provision for finding editors for a given type, e.g. we could write a 
PriorityEditor for graphically manipulating priorities.

Java Beans just give us more room to maneuver. Beans are also non-intrusive. It's 
pretty brilliant stuff IMHO.

>Is it a big deal to support both interfaces? I guess I don't understand the downside 
>of putting out the ...Option interface. (Other than cluttering up the API, I guess). 
>Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you are not in a bean environment, you'd have to do 
>work to figure out all the get(...) methods to call... 

Yes, unfortunately it is a big deal. It is 2 times the number of options in all 
appenders. Assuming there are 15 appenders with 3 options on average, that gives 45 
more things to worry about. That is definitely not acceptable.  It's one way or the 
other but not both. Cheers, Ceki

-----Original Message----- 
>From: Ceki Gülcü [<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
>Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 2:25 PM 
>To: LOG4J Users Mailing List 
>Cc: anders Kristensen 
>Subject: Re: Why more set(....) APIs than get(....) APIs in log4j ? 
>At 22:01 22.02.2001 +0100, Anders Kristensen wrote: 
>>Funny you should ask, because the getters you ask for have actually been 
>>applied to the log4j version in the CVS repository and will be included 
>>in the next release.  However, we've been discussing the option of 
>>changing the current option OptionHandler configuration strategy from 
>>something based on 
>>  void setOption(String key, String value) { ... } 
>>  String getOption(String key) { ... } 
>>  String[] getOptionsStrings() 
>>to something based on regular Java setters and getters, e.g. 
>>  void setFilename(String name) 
>>  String getFilename() { ... } 
>>and then use a Beans-like strategy or reflection or something to figure 
>>out which parameters a log4j component knows about. That seems to be a 
>>better approach but requires a bit more work. 
>I think that the getX/setX or bean paradigm is more widely accepted. We should 
>probably go with that. The getOption methods are cool except that if they go into an 
>official release it will damn hard to take them back. So if we decide to switch I 
>think we should switch as soon as possible. I actually intend to release 1.1beta 
>before this weekend though that is not a promise... What do you think? Ceki 
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