All very good questions. I don't have any good or completed answers. I'll have to 
think about it and get back to you. Cheers, Ceki 

At 11:03 23.02.2001 -0600, Jin Zhao wrote:
>First I am glad to see there are also people inteterested in this topic. That means I 
>don't need to keep my modified version of log4j updated with the official releases. 
>However, I still have questions  about how to do that.  Since I know little of Beans 
>stuff, please point out where my questins suck. 
>>Why do you think so? 
>>The bean paradigm provides information on the type of the option values. The 
>getOption/setOption approach does not give >you info on the value type. Moreover, the 
>java beans have provision for finding editors for a given type, e.g. we could write 
>>a PriorityEditor for graphically manipulating priorities. 
>>Java Beans just give us more room to maneuver. Beans are also non-intrusive. It's 
>pretty brilliant stuff IMHO. 
>Does this also mean we will replace setOptions approach with setXXX() too ? Then what 
>will be the usage of OptionHandler ? Should we give it up ? From my experience of 
>using getOptions/setOptions, this approach make us happy where we don't need to 
>know(or have no way to know) the names of the paramerters to be configured. In fact, 
>I use xml communication bettween the application server  and my web application. I 
>can get parameter names by using getOptionStrings() and  their values by 
>getOption(key),  set/reset them by setOptions(key, value), and then I can use 
>activateOptions() to make the new configuration really work. How can I set a fiieName 
>but don't know the parameter name is "FileName" by using setFileName() ?  Should I 
>need a test statement to see if the target is a FileAppender ? 
>>>Is it a big deal to support both interfaces? I guess I don't understand the 
>>>of putting out the ...Option interface. (Other than cluttering up the API, I 
>>>Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you are not in a bean environment, you'd have to do 
>>>work to figure out all the get(...) methods to call... 
>>Yes, unfortunately it is a big deal. It is 2 times the number of options in all 
>appenders. Assuming there are 15 appenders with >3 options on average, that gives 45 
>more things to worry about. That is definitely not acceptable.  It's one way or the 
>other >but not both. Cheers, Ceki 
>What if we have a optionsProperty which is a java Properties to hold all the 
>parameter key/value pairs ? The value can be set in setOptions(XXX). The real 
>implementation lies in activateOptions().  The getOptions(XXX) just need return the 
>value from the properties.  The original log4j API confuse me a liite in that the 
>real implementation of activateOptions() lies in setXXX(), and setXXX() duplicate the 
>job of assigning values which also exists in setOptions(XXX). What if  let the 
>setOptions(XXX) to do the "set" job, and change the name of the current setXXX() to 
>activateXXX() ? 
>I will go back to read the config() code in log4j to see how they work now. Maybe I 
>also need read how Java Bean  works before using the coming 1.1 Beta. 
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