Dear Steffen,

one solution would be to create a category for every user:

String user="xyz"

Then you can add the file appender for this category concerning to the users
home directory. You may receive the user name from your servlet or via JAVA

 name = System.getProperty("");
-----Original Message-----
From: Steffen Schlachter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Dienstag, 12. Juni 2001 10:48
Subject: different log files for different users on UNIX


We are using log4j with Tomcat. We are currently using multiple instances of
Tomcat on one UNIX box with one properties file. The problem is that we want
to log the output separately for every user in his own directory. So the
question is:

Is there anything like


where I can specify that the output for logging goes to a user specific
directory, i.e. $USER being an environment variable on UNIX. (We're
currently running SunOS.)

Thanks a lot for you help,


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