At 15:07 12.07.2001 -0700, Carolyn Wasikowski wrote:
>Thanks to all who responded to my questions!  Yes, I had read the section of
> that describes the default
>initialization approach... but apparently I hadn't read it closely enough to
>realize its full potential.  I've converted my log4j.xml file to a
> file*, and it's working great.  I've also looked into the
>Jakarta Taglibs project, and that seems to be exactly what I need for making
>logging requests from within a JSP.
>Thanks again!
>*Too bad the default initialization process doesn't look for a log4j.xml
>file!  I'd rather use an XML file over a Java properties file, and it would
>be possible to do so if I could set the log4j.configuration system property,
>but from what I've been told you can't set a system property inside a web
>app's web.xml file.  Oh, well...

Hello Carolyn,

The default initialization procedure does support xml files. The file name has to end 
with ".xml". I humbly suggest you reread (not your local copy of log4j if it 
is older than version 1.1.3) and tell us in what way it is not clear regarding default 
initialization. Regards, Ceki

Ceki Gülcü -

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