>>*Too bad the default initialization process doesn't look for a log4j.xml
>>file!  I'd rather use an XML file over a Java properties file, and it
>>be possible to do so if I could set the log4j.configuration system
>>but from what I've been told you can't set a system property inside a web
>>app's web.xml file.  Oh, well...
> The default initialization procedure does support xml files. The 
> file name has to end with ".xml". I humbly suggest you reread 
> http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j/docs/manual.html (not your local 
> copy of log4j if it is older than version 1.1.3) and tell us in 
> what way it is not clear regarding default initialization. 

The manual is perfectly clear.  Step 2 of the "Default Initialization
Procedure" reads in part:

  In case the system property log4j.configuration is not defined, then 
  set the string variable resource to its default value "log4j.properties". 

As I said earlier, unless I'm mistaken, there's no way to set a system
property within a web app's web.xml file.  So I'm stuck with the default 
value of log4j.configuration, "log4j.properties."  I can't get the static
initializer for the Category class to look for "log4j.xml."  

Perhaps I wasn't clear in my suggestion.  It would be better, IMHO, if
the default value of log4j.configuration were "log4j.xml."  Alternatively,
if the user doesn't supply an explicit value for log4j.configuration, and
if a search for "log4j.properties" turns up empty-handed, then perhaps
perhaps Category's static initializer could search for "log4j.xml."



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