I use the following technique to view logged messages from different

1. Configure the webapp's SocketAppender to send messages to

2. Start up Chainsaw on my machine;

3. Use ssh to redirect the 4445 port on the webapp's machine to
   mine. This is done with the command:
         ssh -R 4445:localhost:4445 -l <username> <servername>

4. Wait a little while until the SocketAppender attempts to reconnect
   to port 4445, and then the messages will start being delivered.

The only downside to this approach is that you cannot connect multiple
Chainsaw clients at the same time.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Derricutt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, 18 December 2001 14:07
> To: Log4J Users List
> Subject: SocketAppender
> Hiya, I'm currently using the socket appender, and ChainSaw to remotely
> watch the logs coming out of my webapp, however, I don't like having to
> hardcode the machine the log gets sent to, or having two appenders if I
> have multiple machines who want to watch the log.
> Is there a 'broadcast' type appender?  That I can connect a ChainSaw type
> program to say port xxx of the webserver?  This way, I can set up a
> standard log4j entry, and if someone in the office is doing QA, they can
> just connect to the webserver machine and see its logs...
> --
> Mark Derricutt                                E-Mail:
> Senior Delphi Developer
> ICQ: 19348533
> Time Disciple Ltd

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