I figured it out.
When I removed %F and %L from log4j.appender.R.layout.ConversionPattern in 
my log4j configuration file, the system no longer calls LocationInfo - I 
guess that makes sense.

Still, it's surpsising that PrintStackTrace on Solaris would take that long 
- we didn't see anything like that while running on Win2K.


At 11:15 AM 1/11/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>I am running into a performance problem running log4j 1.1.3 on Sun Solaris 
>2.280 (SunOS 5.8). I tried it with two VMs:
>Solaris VM (build Solaris_JDK_1.2.2_05a, native threads, sunwjit ) and
>Classic VM (build JDK-1.2.2_006, green threads, sunwjit)
>What I am seeing is that my category.info() calls take a long time - from 
>1/8 second to 1/2 second each. I am attaching a couple of screenshots from 
>a performance analyzer. Looking at the code,
>LoggingEvent: 133 calls      locationInfo = new LocationInfo(new 
>Throwable(), fqnOfCategoryClass);
>and LocationInfo then calls  t.printStackTrace(pw);
> From what I can tell by looking at the performance analyzer, the last 
> printStackTrace is what's taking up all the time. I suppose it's really 
> the JVM's fault.
>I'd appreciate any pointers on how to fix it or a way to get around it.
>Thank you,
>Ilya Tsymbal
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