Hi all

I have some questions related to Repositories for log4J:

A) Ceki and Adrian had a discussion in January about one Repositorie for
each application in a Servlet/EJB Container (Tomcat/JBoss) to allow
configuration and logging only for the own application.

Question A1: What is the status now? Does Tomcat and JBoss have a
RepositorySelector implemented? (I can not find information in the docs on

B) The problem I have is that I use struts 1.1 BETA togehter with Tomcat
4.0.4. Since struts uses also log4j I receive the log messages from struts
in my web application.

Question B1: Is it possible to have more than one repository in one web
application? If yes, how to do?
Question B2: What is the best practice right now to suppres the log messages
from struts in my web app?

Thank's for any help.
Regards Roland

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