----- Original Message -----
From: "Ceki Gülcü" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Log4J Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2002 3:11 AM
Subject: Re: Making the log4j library optional

> At 15:36 29.03.2002 -0700, you wrote:
> >Hi;
> >
> >Here's my problem. I'm creating a 3rd party library that people will use
> >for their applications. I need to do no logging and I need to not require
> >log4j when they use my library (first, if I log then I fill up their logs
> >with stuff that means nothing to them and second, what if they use an
> >incompatible version of log4j).
> First, you would be surprised by the number of libraries that already
> require log4j. Second, we go to great pains to ensure that all
> versions of log4j are backward compatible. So I don't understand the
> comment about incompatible versions of log4j.

Ok, if it's always going to be backward compatible, then that brings me back
to my earlier question. How can I tell it to write out nothing for all
packages in my jar - ie net.windward.*[.*[.*[...]]]. Because if someone is
using my library, I don't want to fill up their logs with a bunch of stuff
that means nothing to them. I need this for log4j 1.1 (since I can't require
users of my library to switch to 1.2).

thanks - dave

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