Thanks all for your responses, this is all very helpful.


Colin MacDonald wrote:

>>-----Original Message-----
>>Can someone please provide a source for some information on the
>>Conversion Pattern Syntax. Mostly I just want to know what the different
>>elements ("%F" and the like) are defined as?
>Do you mean for log formatting?  Using PatternLayout?  The PatternLayout
>Javadoc page has a table with all the formatting characters and their
>> I also would like to know the basic configuration attributes available
>>for the standard appenders provided.
>I think those are appender-dependent, but they're based on the method names.
>E.g. RollingFileAppender has a setFile method, so in log4j.xml, you add:
>  <param name="File" value="/path/to/logfile.log"/>
>or in
>  log4j.appender.APPENDERNAME.File=/path/to/logfile.log
>Hope that helps, or did I misunderstand your question?
>Colin MacDonald  |  Software Developer  |  Templar Corporation  |
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