Hi all -

I am new to log4j and the mailing list. I have a query and I would
appreciate if anyone can post a reply.

My requirement is that  I need to have my log file names as per the
following format:
where "file_" is a fixed string, MM denotes month of the year, DD denotes
the date of the month, YYYY denotes the year, "hh" denotes the hour of the
day, "mm" denotes the minute of the hour and "ss" denotes the seconds.

This seems to be simple to implement if I use the
"DailyRollingFileAppender". The problem is that the file I write to should
roll over ONLY at midnight. If I set the "DateFormat" to roll over at
midnight, then I do not get the "hh:mm:ss" appended to the file.
Furthermore, how do I use a colon in the filename above??

I have an additional requirement. In addition to having the file rolled over
daily at midnight, I also need to specify a max file size for each file. I
understand that the maximum file size can be implemented using the
"RollingFileAppender". So, do I use the RollingFileAppender or the
DailyRollingFileAppender and is there any way I can configure log4j to
integrate the above two desired features?

This is the reason(max file size) why we have the "hh:mm:ss" field in the
filename, in addition to the date(although it rolls over only at midnight
provided the max file size is not reached). Can anyone help?

Thanks and regards,

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