I'm thinking of using log4j with the jdbc appender, to log some structured information 
regarding the usage of my applications. I log with something like:

myLogger.info( userName + applicationName + transactionName );

I would like to be able to use a JDBC conversion pattern that would allow me to load 
the user name in a column, the application name into another column, and the
transaction name into a third column. But, since the logger only accepts a single 
string as parameter, there is no way once we get into the layout specification to make 
reference to individual elements. The layout only knows that my string corresponds to 
the %m specification.

What I would need is the possibility of calling the logger with a collection of 
strings; then, in the layout, I could reference each string with a %1m , %2m and %3m
specification - something like
... INSERT INTO TEST_TABLE ( userName, transactionName, applicationName ) VALUES ( 
"%1m" , "%3m", "%2m" ) " .

I know there is no such thing in the package right now, and I don't expect it any time 
soon, but do you think it would be feasible? And would it be useful, or am I the
only one with that kind of requirements?

Serge Arsenault

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