On Oct 24, 2006, at 3:25 AM, Chris Dillon wrote:

Hi all,
This is probably a newbie question but you know... "search and no luck" .

There has been a recent thread on the log4j-dev list with the subject "Enhanced FileAppender" (http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=log4j- dev&m=116051422231512&w=2). The use case that was driving the discussion was having a distinct file name for each thread in an application, but your use case would also fit into the general framework of the MultiFileAppender.

I made an initial commit of some work on the multifile project to the development sandbox and have some additional uncommitted work, but not quite to a functional appender yet. I would think that it would be fairly easy to modify SizeBasedFileNamePolicy to met your need.

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