James Stauffer <stauffer.james <at> gmail.com> writes:
> Please post it to http://wiki.apache.org/logging-log4j/UsefulCode
> On 10/25/06, Chris Dillon <c1dillon+news <at> gmail.com> wrote:
> > ...
> > So as a quick hack, I subclassed the FileAppender and overrid the
activateOptions() to check for backups.
> >
> > I does the job for me, backs up the files from xxx.log to xxx.log.1 up to a
certain number of backups, then deletes the older ones.
> >
> > The code is far from beautiful (then again, I've seen worse ;D ), but should
anyone be interrested, just drop me an email...

Done (although I couldn't find where to the an attachement, so the codes

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