HI ,
  Thanks for help!
  However %d{ISO8601} didnt work.
  below are the few logs that I am getting in the log file, which include just 
a message part nothing else.
  Starting internal logs on console.
About to instantiate plugin of type [org.apache.log4j.net.SocketReceiver]
plugin named as [SocketReceiver]
Pushing plugin on to the object stack.
In ParamAction setting parameter [Port] to value [4445].
Popping plugin named [SocketReceiver] from the object stack
no applicable action for <Param>, current pattern is [/configuration/Param]
About to instantiate appender of type [org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender]
Appender named as [RollingFile]
Pushing appender on to the object stack.
In ParamAction setting parameter [File] to value [C:\\chainsaw1.log].
In ParamAction setting parameter [Append] to value [true].
In ParamAction setting parameter [MaxFileSize] to value [1000KB].
In ParamAction setting parameter [maxBackupIndex] to value [5].
About to instantiate layout of type [org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout]
Pushing layout on top of the object stack.
No name attribute in <param> element
Popping layout from the object stack
About to set the layout of the containing appender.
setFile called: C:\test1.log, true
setFile ended
Popping appender named [RollingFile] from the object stack
Pushing root logger on stack
Encapsulating logger name is [root], levelvalue is  [debug].
SocketReceiver closing server socket
root level set to DEBUG
Attaching appender named [RollingFile] to logger named [root].
Removing root logger from top of stack.
Will stop writing internal logs on console.
Finished parsing.
Using 'file:///c:/test2.xml' for auto-configuration
in run-about to enter while not interrupted loop

Paul Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  try using %d{ISO8601} instead of just %d

if this doesn't work, can you post a few lines of logs that do get 
written to the 'test1.log' file?

On 21/06/2007, at 3:10 AM, akshay kumar wrote:

> Hi there,
> 1)Is there any way that I can save the different Log-panel tab 
> create when I receive logs from remote machine?
> Right now what happens is when I close the Chanisaw all log-panel 
> tab and so all logs within that get erased, which is not suitable 
> for my application.
> Please let me know how can I do that?
> 2) In an alternate way to save the logs I am using rolling file 
> appender within the chainsaw receiver config.
> But the problem in that the log file test1.log doesnt have any 
> timestamp information or anything else except message.
> below is my config.
> Please let me know what I did wrong in conversion pattern layout?
> > debug="true">
> class="org.apache.log4j.net.SocketReceiver">


> > class="org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender">




> > d %-5p [%t] %C{2} (%F:%L) - %m%n" />
> thanks in advance.
> ---------------------------------
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Paul Smith
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