Oh, that's a part of the plugin system I often forget about since most
plugins are core plugins. In any case, a plugin of some sort would be
the most flexible here I think.

On Sat, 13 Jul 2019 at 15:21, Ralph Goers <ralph.go...@dslextreme.com> wrote:
> Just because it is a plugin doesn’t mean it can be used anywhere. The 
> JacksonFactory could collect plugins for its own category, which would mean 
> they couldn’t be specified in the configuration. Only “core” plugins can 
> directly be used as parameters in the configuration. But yes, once it is a 
> core plugin it could be passed into the newWriter method as I describe.
> Ralph
> > On Jul 13, 2019, at 10:12 AM, Matt Sicker <boa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Being a plugin means you can inject it as a @PluginElement wherever. Plus,
> > that makes it easier for users to write a custom plugin class to configure
> > any other options they want. Comparable to the DataSourceFactory or
> > whatever it’s called for JDBC drivers in that plugin.
> >
> > Keeping it as an element should make it more flexible with future
> > programmatic configuration ideas. The more component based everything is,
> > the simpler it’ll be to make customizations without users digging into the
> > internals of LoggerConfig et al.
> >
> > On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 18:36, Ralph Goers <ralph.go...@dslextreme.com>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Actually, I was thinking that we can keep the existing ObjectMapper but
> >> supply a Function that can “enhance” the ObjectMapper either at the end of
> >> the Log4jJsonObjectMapper constructor, at the end of
> >> JacksonFactory.newObjectMapper, or after the ObjectMapper is constructed in
> >> JacksonFactory.newWriter. Whether that is done via a Plugin or some other
> >> way I hadn’t looked at too much. But I suppose it could either be a Plugin
> >> that is a parameter to the Layout and then passed into the newWriter method
> >> or it could be looked up by the JSON method in JacksonFactory. Passing it
> >> on the Layout probably makes it more flexible.
> >>
> >> Ralph
> >>
> >>> On Jul 12, 2019, at 4:13 PM, Carter Kozak <cko...@ckozak.net> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> I like the idea of an ObjectMapperFactory plugin point. That gives us a
> >> cleaner builder API on JsonLayout where we can potentially pass in a
> >> supplier for an ObjectMapper instance from programmatic configuration.
> >>>
> >>> On Fri, Jul 12, 2019, at 19:10, Matt Sicker wrote:
> >>>> And by plugin, see for example the various BlockingQueueFactory plugins.
> >>>>
> >>>> On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 18:09, Matt Sicker <boa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> Plugin maybe? I think we could potentially extend the plugin system as
> >> a
> >>>>> general dependency and configuration injection system. We can make less
> >>>>> special case methods of pseudo components and options outside that.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 17:34, Gary Gregory <garydgreg...@gmail.com>
> >>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> Hi Dominik
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I see two ways of addressing this:
> >>>>>> 1) Add a setObjectMapper(ObjectMapper)
> >>>>>> to org.apache.logging.log4j.core.layout.JsonLayout.Builder
> >>>>>> This would work well for programmatic configurations
> >>>>>> and/or:
> >>>>>> 2) Add a setObjectMapperFactory(String)
> >>>>>> to org.apache.logging.log4j.core.layout.JsonLayout.Builder
> >>>>>> This would add a class name for implementors of a new interface
> >>>>>> ObjectMapperFactory.
> >>>>>> This would work nicely for configuration files.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> To keep all users in play, 2) seems best.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Thoughts?
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Gary
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 8:38 AM Dominik Sandjaja <
> >>>>>> dominik.sandj...@trivago.com> wrote:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Hello,
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> we are using the JSON layout in our Spring Boot application to easily
> >>>>>>> ingest the logs in Elasticsearch.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> One message that we log is about failed conversions, when an incoming
> >>>>>>> request parameter cannot be converted correctly. As we use Spring’s
> >>>>>>> Converter functionality for this, these `IllegalArgumentException`s
> >> are
> >>>>>>> wrapped in a `ConversionFailedException`. This exception has fields
> >> of
> >>>>>> type
> >>>>>>> `TypeDescriptor` which hold information about the source and the
> >> target
> >>>>>>> type of the conversion.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> The problem is, that these `TypeDescriptor` objects cannot be
> >> serialized
> >>>>>>> to JSON. The simple call
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >> com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(org.springframework.core.convert.TypeDescriptor.valueOf(String.javaClass))
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> throws an exception like
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> ERROR StatusLogger
> >>>>>>> com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidDefinitionException: Direct
> >>>>>>> self-reference leading to cycle (through reference chain:
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >> org.springframework.core.ResolvableType["componentType"]->org.springframework.core.ResolvableType["componentType"])
> >>>>>>> com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidDefinitionException: Direct
> >>>>>>> self-reference leading to cycle (through reference chain:
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >> org.springframework.core.ResolvableType["componentType"]->org.springframework.core.ResolvableType["componentType"])
> >>>>>>> at
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >> com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidDefinitionException.from(InvalidDefinitionException.java:77)
> >>>>>>> at
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >> com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider.reportBadDefinition(SerializerProvider.java:1191)
> >>>>>>> at
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >> com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.BeanPropertyWriter._handleSelfReference(BeanPropertyWriter.java:944)
> >>>>>>> at
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >> com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.BeanPropertyWriter.serializeAsField(BeanPropertyWriter.java:721)
> >>>>>>> at
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >> com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.std.BeanSerializerBase.serializeFields(BeanSerializerBase.java:719)
> >>>>>>> at
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >> com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.BeanSerializer.serialize(BeanSerializer.java:155)
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> The error can be prevented if `Mixin`s are added to the
> >> `ObjectMapper`
> >>>>>>> which ignore the corresponding class.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> The `Log4jJsonObjectMapper` is initialized in the
> >> `JacksonFactory.JSON`
> >>>>>>> class and I currently do not see any way to somehow configure this
> >>>>>>> ObjectMapper with additional MixIns.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Hence, my question finally is:
> >>>>>>> How can I configure Log4J’s JSON mapping to not break on such
> >>>>>>> non-serializable log content?
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Thank you!
> >>>>>>> Dominik
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>> --
> >>>>> Matt Sicker <boa...@gmail.com>
> >>>>>
> >>>> --
> >>>> Matt Sicker <boa...@gmail.com>
> >>>>
> >>
> >>
> >>
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> >>
> >> --
> > Matt Sicker <boa...@gmail.com>
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Matt Sicker <boa...@gmail.com>

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