On 2011-09-19, Dominik Psenner wrote:

>>> <file value="bla.log"/>
>>> <datePattern value="yyyyMMddHHmm" />
>>> <rollFileConfiguration>
>>> <rollFileCondition size="5MB" />
>>> <rollFileLimitation maxcount="5" />
>>> </rollFileConfiguration>

>> Grouping the properties that affect the rolling strategy and separating
>> them from the others makes sense to me.

> It may be even a nice to implement it like that. This opens ways to
> something like this:

> <rollFileConfiguration>
>   <rollFileAndCondition>
>     <rollFileCondition size="5MB" />
>     <rollFileCondition when="daily" />
>   </rollFileAndCondition>
> </rollFileConfiguration>

You realize you are going down the road of boolean combinators here,
aren't you?  Do we roll the file if one of the conditions is met, or all
of them?

> But I don't know if that really fits into the "log4net is a clone of
> log4j" philosophy. :-)

No problem here as we are not touching the architecture only one of the
appenders - and a lot of variance is allowed here.  I realize you
haven't been serious.


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