Inlines again and sorry for the previous empty message. I hit the send
button before I actually wrote something. ;-)

2013/8/13 d_k <>

> Inlined.
> On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 11:06 AM, Stefan Bodewig <>wrote:
>> [just changing the subject :-)]
>> On 2013-08-12, Dominik Psenner wrote:
>> > Another issue that I just remembered now is that currently there's no
>> way to
>> > roll empty files on date/time boundaries. Rolling only happens when a
>> log
>> > event is generated. If there's no log event, files won't be rolled.
>> Thus we
>> > should investigate if we should implement the appender as a buffering
>> async
>> > appender that does the rolling in his async work cycles and whose work
>> > cycles do not depend on the availability of log events.
> Making the appender async is a major change and it has ramifications that
> might prove problematic like unflushed buffers.
> And if we make the buffer of size 1 then its really synchronous again,
> isn't it?
> Does a 'roll' create a new file?

That would depend on what rolling strategy is used. One might want to send
emails whenever a logfile is not empty.

> So if there are no log event the folder will be polluted with empty files?
> If a 'roll' does not create a file then we can make the decision to roll
> or not as part of the logging process.
If it is configured to do so, yes, it pollutes the file system with empty

>> I'm up for a clean way to roll but I think that a logging framework that
> creates files other than logs is odd. And adding a dependency on some
> persistent storage provider is also odd.

.. you've gotta stick what you've got.

> I think we can assume that applications that need to perform rolling on
> size or date are probably long running which means we can save this
> information in memory and in case the application crashed or restarts then
> yes, the old files will remain on disk and it should be solved by a local
> policy because it the exception, not the rule.

You're wrong. Rolling is mainly there to limit the possible quota logfiles
can use.

>> I think that an XML hierarchy will be easier to parse than strings
> containing conditions.
> Something like:
> <rollOn><date hours='3' /></rollOn>
> <dispose><files filenumber='50' /></dispose>
> And we can provide some custom data to be passed back to a custom rolling
> strategy as a string and the you can parse it the way you want in the
> strategy you've written.

We're not stupid enough to invent something unparseable .. ;-)

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