On 2013-09-09, Dominik Psenner wrote:

> I'm not checking the source changes but only website stuff etc. At a first
> glance I found these issues on the web page:

> * the download page is broken

I should have said so.  Yes, this is to be expected as I must not run
CGIs from my homedir.

> * the SDK reference is broken

Ah, good catch, fixed.

> * Supported Frameworks still lists Compact Framework and .NET 1.0, is this
> intended? Maybe we should list in Framework specific notes that those
> frameworks have to be built from source?

I've stated it in the release notes where I did the same when we dropped
CF 1.0 in 1.2.11 (BTW, there is a build for .NET 1.0).

Anyway, we can fix the site whenever we feel like it, independent of any



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