On Jan 1, 2008 12:15 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > la meris xanka lo nu  selkavbu  loi  pulji kei lo nu tolselfla ke sutra
> > litru
> (Mary is nervous about being caught by the police, while speeding.)
> So it seems like what you're suggesting is that a terxanka is a
> situation in which there is something to worry about, and the selxanka
> is the negative consequence which could result from the terxanka.

Ummm... not exactly.  I'm suggesting that the selxanka is something that is
worrying/troubling a person, and terxanka is under what circumstances such
anxiety takes/could take place (see below).

One thing I wonder about is whether there's an implication that the
> terxanka is a real situation.  That is, you could be explicit by
> putting a "da'i" or a "da'inai" in the terxanka bridi, but which is
> more likely to be implied (absent a clear context)?  It seems like
> "nervous" angles towards "da'inai," a real situation provoking a
> specific response, while "anxious" would suggest to me more "da'i", a
> sort of situation in which someone tends to react with anxiety.

  I believe that all bridi that specify a "under conditions" place (xanka,
pluta, zifri, frili, nandu, etc.) are making no truth claims about the
presence/absence about those conditions, but are merely qualifying that
these are the situations where X1 _would be_ xanka,etc.  So Mary is anxious
about being caught by police WERE she to speed.  Donald Trump is worried
about where his next meal is coming from IF he were poor, etc.  Without that
place specified, it implies the person is xanka, etc. at whatever time
and/or place narrowed down by the tenses, or else generally xanka, etc.


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