On Jan 1, 2008 2:49 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Let's take an example at random: zo xanka.  The meat of the definition
> in the gismu list consists of only the English words "nervous" and
> "anxious."  That gives me a vague idea, but those are two English
> words with substantially different meanings, there are words from
> every language in that area each with a variation on that meaning, and
> presumably Lojban's meaning is identical to none of these and has its
> own internal character.
> The place structure has three places.  The first is the person
> experiencing the emotion, which is simple enough.  The second is
> defined, if we can call it that, by only the preposition "about", and
> the suggestion that it ought to be filled by an abstraction.  The
> third place is defined as saying what "conditions" the event of xanka
> happens "under."  Well excuse me if I am more mystified than before!
> Other emotion gismu such as badri, gleki, terpa, nelci, xebni, prami
> are all two places, and I have no idea why zo xanka gets a third, or
> what on earth the distinction is between the abstraction someone is
> nervous about and the conditions under which they are nervous.

  I know you picked this example "at random", but let me  try you with this
example using all 3 places:

la meris xanka lo nu  selkavbu  loi  pulji kei lo nu tolselfla ke sutra


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