On Jan 1, 2008 3:16 PM, Michael Turniansky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   I believe that all bridi that specify a "under conditions" place (xanka,
> pluta, zifri, frili, nandu, etc.)

(You must mean something other than {pluta} there)

>are making no truth claims about the
> presence/absence about those conditions, but are merely qualifying that
> these are the situations where X1 _would be_ xanka,etc.  So Mary is anxious
> about being caught by police WERE she to speed.

Did you mean Mary WOULD BE anxious about it WERE she to speed?

> Donald Trump is worried
> about where his next meal is coming from IF he were poor, etc.

Did you mean he WOULD BE worried?

> Without that
> place specified, it implies the person is xanka, etc. at whatever time
> and/or place narrowed down by the tenses, or else generally xanka, etc.

Blocking the possibility of having a tense is a strange thing for an
agument place to do, however.

Let's consider {ko'a nau ca'a xanka ko'e ko'i}: "ko'a is here-and-now
actually nervous about ko'e under conditions ko'i"

ko'a has to be a person (or some other entity capable of being
nervous) and we are claimig that that person is here-and-now
actually nervous. No problem there.

ko'e is an event, and that event is making ko'a nervous. It may be
an event that is actually happening, or it may be a potential event,
since both types of event are capable of making people nervous.
No problem there either. We could specify {lo nu ca'a broda}
{lo nu po'u broda} if it's not clear whether the event is actual or
merely potential. Mary could be here-an-now nervous about
actually having been caught, or about being caught eventually.

But what is ko'i? Is it an event that is contributing to make ko'a
nervous, i.e. one without which ko'a would not be nervous, or is
it just a description of the here-and-now cirumstances, that
which happens to be the case in the background but is not
contributing to make ko'a nervous?

Neither option is very satisfying. If it's just the background, why
is it such an important information that it needs to be part of
the place structure? Most gismu don't have an "under conditons"
place and yet all events happen under some background

If it's a necessary condition for ko'a being nervous, then how
is x3 different from x2? Why do we need to split that which
is making ko'a nervous into two separate bits?

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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