2008/1/31 Earth Engine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>             Original(Chinese): 很黄很暴力
>       Japanese: かなり猥亵で、とても暴力的な
> Dutch: Zeer geel en zeer hevig
> Portuguese: Muito amarelo e muito violento
> Russian: Очень желтый цвет и очень яростная
> French: Tres jaune et tres violent
> Greek: ∏ολ
> Italian: Molto giallo e molto violento
> Spanish: Muy amarillo y muy violentos r
>    German: sehr erotisch und sehr gewaltsam
> Esperanto: tre flava,tre violenta
> This is the translation of other languages of this phase; it is not a
> chengyu. However, it have the same structure of another phase from the
> government advertise: very good and very powerful.
> In the original meaning, the translation is: Very Yellow Very Vilance. For
> this reason, the other posible translation would be
> mutce pelxu je mutce vlile
> How about this one?

I would tend to agree with the earlier formulation:
mutce bo selcinse je mutce bo vlile

The problems with *{mutce pelxu je mutce vlile} are
1) It groups as {(mutce (pelxu je mutce)) vlile}, which is not what you
want, and
2) {pelxu} actually refers to the color.

mu'o mi'e komfo,amonan

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