At 13:50 13/03/2001, you wrote:
>Dave Cross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I'd argue that you're _massively_ overestimating our audience there. Most
> > the Matt's users are people who have accounts with web hosting companies
> > who only allow FTP access. mod_perl usually _isn't_ installed and
> > installing CPAN modules is frowned on by the sysadmins and beyond the
> > ability of most users.
>Much better argument.
>What about taint-safety?

All of our scripts must have "-T" and will do whatever is necessary to 
clean up external data.

I see this as one of our big selling points - "our scripts don't allow 
users to delete all your files".



<plug>Data Munging with Perl <></plug>

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