* Dave Cross ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> My opinion is that the only way this project could work is if the scripts 
> worked on _any_ web server on _any_ platform with _no_ extra modules. Matt 
> Wright can achieve that and we're all much cleverer than he is, so we 
> should be able to do it too.

i originally shared your viewpoint on this, but what changed my
mind is the following scenario,

        some random perl monger, lets call them dave for ease has
        a really cool forums script. unfortunatly dave's script
        uses TT and dave hasn't time to replace the TT elements.

do you exclude this script from the archive on the basis that it
uses TT?

this question defines the archive of scripts a little. is the
collection of scripts specifically aimed at the lowest commond
denominator and tackling the MW problem directly, or is that
just its core mission, and other scripts are welcome.

ho hum

Greg McCarroll                          http://www.mccarroll.uklinux.net

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