OK .. I'm not totally up to speed on OO stuff .. but I have a
Class::MethodMaker question that I dont; seem to be able to understand
from the documentation.
its the 'key_with_create' bit ...
from my reading of the documentation, if you specify a
key_with_create => [ qw/ id / ],
it produces a get/set id method, and stores a refernce to all objects in
the class in a hash with the id value as a key. it also provides a
find_id method to look up the object in the hash and if there isnt one
call new to make one ..
now am I being daft or summink, but surely it should pass something to
new so it knows how to initialise this instance of the object ?? it
appears to pass absolutely nothing . I was rather hoping it would pass
{id => $id} or something so I could do the appropriate hash_init thing,
and construct the new object apropriately, but it appears to pass no
params at all ..
am I missing something ..
have I got the worng end of the stick??
Robin Szemeti
The box said "requires windows 95 or better"
So I installed Linux!