On Mon, 9 Apr 2001, Chris Devers wrote:

> At 08:22 AM 9.4.2001 +0000, Robin Szemeti wrote:
> >personally the ultimate task of any minimise/restore function should  be
> >to get a window on or off the dispaly as fast as possible ... slowly
> >attempting some graphical wizardry whilst chewing up CPU resources its
> >not one of the things I lust after .. but YMMV :)
>    Alternate genie effects [for OSX]
>    The "genie effect" is what happens when you click the yellow
>   "minimize" button. You'll see your window get sucked down into
>   the dock, as though it were being drawn into a funnel. While
>   quite cool the first few times, some people (me!) have found
>   it a little annoying after a while. Those with slower machines
>   may also find it something of a CPU hog.
>    Luckily, Apple included a way to change the genie effect, but
>   chose not to put it into a GUI tool at this time. I'm sure
>   someone will have one written within a week, but for now,
>   here's how you do it. Open a terminal session (the Terminal
>   application is inside Applications/Utilities), and type one
>   of the following:
>      defaults write com.apple.Dock mineffect genie

Java !!?


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