On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Marcel Grunauer wrote:

>On Thursday, April 19, 2001, at 03:37  PM, dcross - David Cross wrote:
>> Hmmm... You're assuming that Perl Mongers use public transport. I
>> thought we
>> all swanned about in taxis and limos.
>I recommend public camels. Maybe now would be the time for a trip to the

Camels are quite hard to see at London Zoo at the moment, owing to the
foot 'n mouth situation. I was there a couple of weeks back, and the
heffalump house was shut. The penguins ain't bad, though.

Mike Wyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     ||         "Woof?"
http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~mw     ||  Gaspode the Wonder Dog
Work:  +44 020 7594 8440        ||
Mobile: +44 07879 697119        ||  ICQ: 43922064

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