At 10:52 20/05/2001, Jonathan Stowe wrote:
>On Sun, 20 May 2001, Dave Cross wrote:
> > I'm sure I'm really in the minority here, but I can't be the only one who
> > finds all this discussion of the FHM list distasteful. I've never really
> > understood why intelligent men find it acceptable to objectify women in
> > this way.
>Although of course everyone objects most vociferously when Cosmo or some
>similar magazines produce a list of 'The Worlds Sexiest Men'. :)

"Ooh, look! Look! They're doing it to. Therefore it _must_ be alright!"

Personally I find it just as objectionable, but funnily enough you don't it 
anywhere near as much.

> > And besides, since when could you work out how sexy a woman (or man) was
> > simply by looking at a photo.
>Its in the eyes, Dave, its in the eyes.

See, I find it's in the personality. Which doesn't come across too well in 
glossy magazine.

> > Dave...
> > [disgruntled]
>Yeah, we noticed. Bad Hangover ?-)

No. That was yesterday. Today I'm just ranting at the world for no good reason.



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