Sunday, May 20, 2001, 3:17:03 PM, Dave Cross wrote:

DC> At 20:50 20/05/2001, Mike Jarvis wrote:
>>Sunday, May 20, 2001, 3:19:47 AM, Dave Cross wrote:
>>DC> And besides, since when could you work out how sexy a woman (or man) was
>>DC> simply by looking at a photo.
>>This is really two questions:
>>1) Can you tell from looking at a photo if this is someone you'd like
>>to have a relationship with?  (No)
>>2) Can you tell from looking at a photo if this is someone you'd like
>>to have sex with?    (Yes)

DC> OK. Well that's where I'm getting confused then. By believing the sex is 
DC> also a relationship (however fleeting!) I think that the answer to 2 is 
DC> also 'No' :)

I always viewed sex as a physical act that's great with someone you
love, but it can be pretty darned good even with someone you wouldn't
want to talk to.

The grudge-fuck after a breakup is often better (from a physical
standpoint) than the sex during a relationship.  Or so my ex's tell
me. ;)


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